Licensing Definitions

Developer, Location, and Project Definitions


The number of software engineers working on all projects using an Iron license

  • Additional projects add to developer number total
  • Contract developers are counted
  • Work-from-home developers are counted

The number of company office sites where a live application will be deployed, developed or accessed. Contract workers and work-from-home developers do not contribute to location number.


The number of live deployments using an Iron license (single project available from development through to production)In Production the following applies to project number:

  • 1 Project = 1 live production server (development and staging servers not counted)
  • 1 Project = 1 website/domain/sub-domain - Multiple sub-domains are multiple projects
  • 1 Project = 1 micro-service
  • 1 Project = 1 Visual Studio, JetBrains Rider, or other IDE project

Royalty-Free Redistribution Option

Required for packaged products or paid subscription services resold to others

  • SaaS - a paid subscription service (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS etc.)
  • OEM - packaged software products or distributable files for sale (software, app, executable etc.)

License Types

Lite license - coverage for 1 developer, at 1 location, working on 1 project

  • Not available for redistribution
  • Can only be used by one legal organization. Can not be used by partner or subsidiary companies.

Professional license - coverage for a company with up to 10 developers, at up to 10 locations, working no more than 10 projects 

  • Project, location, and developer number restricted to a maximum of 10 each
  • Can only be used by one legal organization. Can not be used by partner or subsidiary companies.
  • Redistribution available (with Redistribution Add-On)

Unlimited license - coverage for a company with more than 10 developers, 10 locations or 10 projects

  • No project number restrictions
  • No developer number restrictions
  • Can be used by one legal organization and its subsidiaries
  • Redistribution available (with Redistribution Add-On)