Currencies, Conversions, and Taxes

Automatic Currency Conversion Rules (As set by FastSpring)

Iron Software's base currency is set to USD.

  • If the product has a price defined in the currency used by the consumer's country, that price appears on the Storefront. 
  • If the product has no price defined in the consumer's currency, currency conversion occurs automatically, and the consumer sees and pays the converted price.
  • If the currency to convert to (the consumer's currency) is one of the major currencies (AUD, CAD, DKK, EUR, GBP, HKD, JPY, SEK, SGD, USD, ZAR), the system receives the Oanda Exchange Rate, and then marks it 3.5% higher to adjust for currency fluctuations. Then, it converts the price defined in the base currency to the consumer’s currency using the mark-up rate.
  • If the currency you are converting to is not a major one, the system marks up the Oanda Exchange Rate 5.5% higher in order to determine the conversion rate.

For more information, please see:

In the instance that an alternative processor (in this case MyCommerce) would like to be used in order to attempt to pay in USD from any location, please request an alternative payment link from Iron Software support.