Quick IronPDF Troubleshooting

For general function issues, please try the following suggestions:

1. Please ensure that you have the latest version 2015-2019 of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio installed on your target machines.

2. Ensure Full Control permissions are applied for the following users to your system default temp folder (on Windows, this is normally /windows/temp): https://ironpdf.com/how-to/installation/

  • AppPool identify/IIS User (typically IUSER)
  • NetworkService
  • ASPNET (where applicable)

3. Wipe all Windows temp files and cache folders on your development and servers

4. Remove all traces of the project and DLLs

  • Manually delete IronPdf from the temp folder or the specified Installation.TempFolderPath
  • Uninstall the library, including ticking the Remove dependencies tick-box
  • Manually remove the NuGet cache from this location: (%userprofile%\. nuget\packages).
  • Clear the cache automatically through Visual Studio by choosing the following option: Go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > General, and then click Clear All NuGet Cache(s). Clearing All NuGet Caches Automatically.

5. Set a new Installation.TempFolderPath in a new directory outside of Program Files, Temp, Users to the users listed in step #2:

If this does not help to resolve the issue, please see here for information regarding requesting assistance from our team of engineers: